Flowers nature wellbeing coaching balance harmony

Emotional Wellbeing

In this fast-paced world, we are becoming more and more human-doings, forgetting about the fact that we are first and foremost human-beings.

By always doing and not allowing ourselves of simply being, we may end up feeling stressed, anxious, tired, overwhelmed and this status may impact all aspects of our lives.

“As within, so without”  - Who we are on the inside will be reflected in the world around us.

Being well means live with awareness and find a balance between doing and being, action and inaction, to finally see that we all have what it takes to face the ups and downs of life with resilience.

As a Certified Holistic Wellness & Life Coach, my aim is to enable you manage stress & anxiety by :

  • Aligning with your body to find physical strength and self-confidence.

  • Cherishing your emotional awareness.

  • Building a healthy relationship with yourself.

  • Reframing your thoughts with a positive and constructive perspective.

CarmaWay to…

Parental Wellbeing

Make your self-care a priority to confidently go with the flow in the ever-changing role of parent and thrive.

Yoga Experience

Take a deep dive into your inner self to boost strength, self-love and balance, on the mat and in your daily life.

Emotional Wellbeing

Align with your body, mind and emotions to manage stress & anxiety and reach physical and emotional resilience.

Sessions in EN, FR, IT, or ES